Tv series

Bonus Family (Swedish: Bonusfamiljen) is a Swedish drama series created by  Felix and Clara Herngren, Moa Herngren, and Calle Marthin for SVT. The series debuted in 2017. A third season of the series launched on both SVT and Netflix in 2019. In 2017 the series won a Kristallen award for “Best TV-drama”.

Lisa and Patrik, a couple in their 30s living in Stockholm and are each recently divorced; both have 10-year-old sons, and Lisa has a teenage daughter. Patrik’s ex-wife Katja is an architect, and Lisa’s ex-husband Martin works at a bed retailer. The series follows the turbulent relationships between the new couple and their exes, as well as the three kids’ adjustments to their new family situation and how Patrik deals with the contrast between his quiet, diligent son William and Lisa’s troublesome, adventurous son Eddie.