
Why do Swedes celebrate våffeldagen? 

You may wonder “what is the origin of Waffle Day”? According to the Christian gospels, 25th of March is the day when the archangel Gabriel came down to earth and told Mary that she would bring birth to God’s son in 9 months time. From the beginning, what was celebrated was Vårfrudagen, (“Our Lady Day”), but in Swedish it kind of sounds like vorfleday, or “Våffeldagen”. Over time this tradition has become more about the Waffels than about virgin birth.

Natasha Bhogal, unsplash

Crispy Swedish Waffles

  • 100 g butter melted
  • 300 g plain flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar (optional)
  • 250 ml whole milk
  • 250 ml water
  • Turn on the waffle iron to heat up.
  • Mix all the ingredients together to a smooth batter.
  • Brush the waffle iron with a little bit of butter then add a ladle full of batter. Leave to cook until golden brown and crispy, remove and serve immediately.

Enjoy with fresh berries or jam and cream.